I always say that language is more than just grammar and vocabulary. We’ve already talked about confidence. Next week we’re going to talk about fluency, or your ability to continue interacting in a language. These subtitles are not totally accurate, so don’t drive yourself crazy. Watch this video a couple times, read the accompanying article, get the big idea, and we’ll talk about the rest in class.

Link for mobile viewers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU0zagnWeh8

(0:22 – 0:40) What language is he speaking? Why don’t I (Dave) understand?
(0:55) Why is it impossible to be completely fluent in English?
(1:19) What is myth #1? What is flunecy besides linguistic and grammatical? What is the example he gives from learning Italian?
(2:07) What is myth #2? What is a zero-sum game? How does it relate to fluency?
(2:28) What is myth #3? What is a drill sergeant mentality (2:49)?
(3:04) Why do we learn grammar?
(3:27) What is fluency, then? How fluent are you?