Confidence is the most important part of learning English. We will discuss why in class this week – to get ready, watch this video:
0:22 What is confidence?
0:50 Where does it come from?
1:36 What are some of the tricks that make up Tip 1?
2:20 What are the two kinds of mindsets? For more on this, you can also watch this TED talk.
3:04 Who are some people who have learned from failure? Think of another example not in the video and tell the story.
3:17 What are some characteristics of people who keep trying?
Assignment: There are lots of TED Talks about confidence. Some examples are on this list. Watch one from the list or find your own and share your ideas with your classmates!
1. Watch the talk
2. Summarize the ideas clearly
3. Talk about them in class
See you soon!