From WIRED Magazine, let’s take a lighter look at accents and then how we can listen for alternate vocabulary based on each region. For example, Curriculum Vitae, CV or Resume are all appropriate words but one is used more in the USA or in certain Industries more than others.
In this video 8 People test their accents on Siri, Echo and Google Home units:
First say the name Benedict Cumberbatch and now Worcehester Sauce. Then watch this video which is testing 3 Tech devices with voice – People of 8 Different regions ask the same thing and we see how the results vary based on accent. Which do you think will be the most – misunderstood?
Let’s talk about the differences in emphasis in the english language – in any international business you’ll have exposure to various accents based on the variety in your employees, coworkers, distributors or clients. Let’s talk about some of the differences in American vs. British English in the business setting. (Stock vs. Share, CV, Resumé, etc.)
For fun we will watch this short video in-class which shows how to imitate the accents of various regions.