English Alive Barbecue!
Sacamos las clases de inglés al Monte Igeldo! [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”4″ gal_title=”bbq”] Bienvenidos al verano! El domingo 25 de junio, hicimos una barbacoa en el Monte Igeldo para alumnos, profesores y amigos de English Alive! La forma perfecta de hablar en ingles, poniendo en práctica en diferentes contextos, con diferentes personas, lo prendido con tu profesor nativo. Como […]
Max’s Randomizer
Last week we spoke about Filter Bubbles in our media and this week we feature a man who ‘burst’ or broke his own reality or social bubble. What does that mean? Listen and let’s discuss the unconventional approach this software developer took to making his life more random. 1:00 Talking about lunch at […]
A Police Incident
Have you ever had a run in with the police? Here's Arlo Guthrie, telling a story about getting arrested for littering. (Note: this song, from 1967, is a satirical protest song against the draft, or forcing men in the US to conscript in the army to go to the VIet Nam war.) After watching, you can […]
Popping Filter Bubbles
Filter Bubbles / Editing the Internet Algorithmic editing limits our results, Google and Facebook have been using them for years. Personally tailored search results seem nice enough, can you think of any problems that may create? Let’s talk about these technical elements and consider how they may also affect other areas of […]
Last week I went back to the United States for the first time in 2 years – crazy! I made some cultural observations we can talk about next week. Here's another perspective from comedian George Carlin. I'll give you more context in class. 0:14 What is the meaning of life? 0:59 How does he define […]
3-Minute Pitch
This week we are working on giving an effective 3-minute business pitch for potential customers. This is the opportunity you have to make an impactful impression (good or bad) about you and your company and you never know when the opportunity may come up. We will be watching a video we used earlier this year […]
Sonic Branding
The psychology behind sounds… How important is sound in our lives, can you identify sonic branding or a sound logo? For example, before a film starts there is often a sound logo, a type of audible branding for the audience to recognize. Let’s listen to two experts breakdown some of the most famous sounds in the […]
Sustainable Energies
Let’s look into these 10 actual and/or potential energy sources of the future and the pros & cons of each idea. Are they being used now and if not why? If you enjoy this topic, read or watch related videos so we can talk about ideas not shared in the video or more […]
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
What is creativity? Think about that question for a minute… This week, we're watching the most watched TED talk. More than 45 million people have watched this, so I'm sure we'll find something interesting to say. Here it is: On the TED Website you can find subtitles and an interactive transcript. Here are some listening […]
English Alive Ski Trip!
Sacamos las clases de inglés a la pista de ski! La forma perfecta de hablar en ingles, poniendo en práctica lo aprendido con tu profesor nativo, en diferentes contextos, con diferentes personas. Mejora tu inglés en la Academia English Alive, y ponlo en práctica en nuestras actividades.