Hannah’s Classes: Debate

This month we are going to have some debates!  Here I will post some videos that we can use to inform ourselves about one issue so that we can discuss it in class.  Please take a look at one of these short videos to prepare for class. Try to decide what you think the opinion of the speaker is, and start to think about your own opinion!

0:26 What did the University of Pittsburg train a monkey to do?

0:33 What did the Chinese study do?

0:53 Who is Tom Holder?

1:29 What does she mean by “sit well”?

2:05 What does the federal animal welfare act require?

What do you think the speaker’s stance is on this issue?

What are the three myths?

What do you think the speaker’s stance is?

Click here if you would like to look into this issue any further!
