Storytelling || with Casey

This months theme at English Alive is Say Something and we want to focus on small talk, public speaking and my personal favorite, storytelling.

Throughout the month of February we will discuss what makes a good storyteller, plus share storytellers you admire and you’ll have the opportunity to hone your own storytelling skills by practicing in class. Watch this video for a good example (the transcript is here, about halfway down the page)


When did Tig see Taylor for the first time?
What does Tig say? What was Taylor’s reply? (dissed – disrespected)
What was the next encounter?

UPDATE:  Now watch the Tig Nataro video and evaluate the storytelling aspects:

Tone, Pace, Body Language, Patterns, etc.

HOMEWORK:  Bring in a video of a storyteller you like, can be a comedian, author, songwriter, bertsolari, an actor, a TED Talk presenter, etc.  We will evaluate what makes a good story teller in your opinion.

Here’s a great resource for true stories told by ordinary people…

StoryCorps on YouTube – watch this video “Sunday’s at Rocco’s” or any other videos by StoryCorps to get ideas of storytelling by non-professionals, everyday people sharing their personal stories.