The Power of Expectations Part II

Now is your chance to start the February listening challenge early! As always, listen before you read the transcript. If you have an iPhone, you can download it here. If you have an Android, you can download it using Stitcher, a free podcast app, available here.

1:10 What was the problem with Daniel’s nonprofit?
1:38 What did he do to get attention?
2:29 What is Daniel’s new challenge?
2:44 What happened with the boy on the orchard? What was the result?
5:35 What is Daniel’s claim? Why does he believe that?
6:29 What was the neuropsychologist Lore Thaler’s question about Daniel?
7:06 How did she test it?
8:02 What did she find?
11:23 Why is Brian Bushway’s experience so important to Lore?
12:52 What are Daniel’s goals with Nathan?
13:32 What does Nathan find? What happens near the road?
15:16 What are the most important moments, according to Brian?
16:56 What is Daniel’s biggest obstacle?
18:34 What is the secret to Daniel’s superpower?
19:15 What are some of the symptoms?
20:04 How does Daniel think his aversion to physical contact made him stronger?