Let’s get Vertical // Ingenuitive Agriculture 

Let’s talk about creative methods of Agriculture and food production.  Basque Country is blessed with rain and sunshine and a strong tradition of farming so there is a lot of arable land and local small farms in this area, but not all communities have this gift.  In desert communities and large cities for example, land and water are difficult to acquire.  As world population grows we need to become more and more creative and intentional about sustainable farming methods.  


Watch this feature on vertical farming in the states and review the questions to discuss


0:25 Where did they build their space and what is their mission?


0:45 How is aeroFarms a different style of growing plants? 


1:00 What are the plants grown on instead of soil?  


1:40 How much fresh water goes toward agriculture? 


Can you identify some of the play on words (farm or plant related phrases) she uses in this feature story?   (2:25 for example)  


Do you think Vertical Farms will help solve our food production problems? 


What other solutions do you see working to help grow or provide more food to people as population increases?


After watching this video look into other creative forms of agriculture like Urban farming or other methods of harvesting food an animals for mass consumption and be ready to share your thoughts.  Some ideas: Urban farming, Artificial wombs for animals, 3D Printing of foods, bio-engineering, you can look at this Business Insider article for more ideas